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Personalised Wine Crate Chest

Personalised Wine Crate Chest

Description: Our Wine Crate Chests are beautifully hand crafted using reclaimed wooden crates that have carried wines around the world. These original chests are created in various shapes and sizes. They each bear different logos and graphics from vineyards close and far. This makes them truly unique pieces filled with character.Why not commission your own personalised Wine Crate Chest made from crates of your favorite wine, port or any other drink that travels in a wooden crate?! We will do our best to track down any crate for you or you may have one already which can be transformed into a Wine Crate Chest like the ones shown here! Please also check with us to see what wine crates we have currentlly in stock. You could also have your wine crate chest especially adapted for storing bottles or any other item. They are also perfect as original gifts! This smaller wine crate chest has a Lime wood top with smooth waney edge, a solid English Oak frame and reclaimed pine panels. The front panel is ...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 89.00
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Similar Items to Personalised Wine Crate Chest - The price of the personalised wine crate chest is £89. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to personalised wine crate chest added by our members that you might be interested in.
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