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Print bag tidy

Print bag tidy

Description: Bee@Home just loves these sweet cotton prairie prints that are so reminiscent of Little Home on the Prairie.  Now we're making accessories for the kitchen and bedroom for the Scrubs up Nicely range and this bag tidy is just the thing for all those bags we want to recycle.  This is an exclusve design for Bee@Home and is so roomy that you'll be able to keep everything stored tidily.  The opening at the front keeps the bags nicely tucked in and not all that spilling out in the cupboard that drives us all crazy.  But this isn't really a bag to keep hidden away.  The print is bright and cheerful and the lace keeps it pretty too.  Hang from a peg or door handle and make something functional a thing to be proud of!!!  The bags come in two colour prints - green or red.A gift wrap service at £2.75 is available and includes a high quality white paper wrap (silver for Christmas), Happy Birthday or floral ribbon (Merry Christmas i...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 14.00
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